The moon whispers secrets of patience and growth
Astrological Calendar 2025 & Moon Planting Guide by Thomas Zimmer.
Thomas Zimmer is a dear friend of mine and lives on a farm in Southern Queensland. Has has never owned a telephone, a computer or a television which is something very unique in the western world. His world is very uncluttered, which gives birth to his deep insights. He has been creating the famous Moon Planting Guide for almost half a century. Thomas is a gifted Astrologer and a deeply insightful soul. I have been using his calendar ever since I started my garden in 2020.
Needless to say, this is a popular calendar and lists the daily sun and moon placements by zodiac sign. As well as information on planting and gardening by the moon. You can even organise your activities and find the best time to start a project or make important decisions.
This moon planting calendar is designed for use in the Southern Hemisphere. It is full of astrological information such as moon phase, equinox, solstice and eclipse dates and times, including annual planting by the moon guides.
To use it in the Northern Hemisphere. Just add or subtract the time difference from Australian AEST.
You`ll need to subtract the time difference from where you are to the time on the calendar which is designed for Australia. Just think of it like this. If you are on the phone with me here in the Northern Rivers and it`s full moon while we are speaking, then it`s also full moon where you are at the same time. However, your clock will read differently. In other words, it might be daytime for me, but night time for you at the exact time of the full moon on any given month. Hope that makes sense!
It can be used by anyone. You don't need to understand Astrology although using this calendar will increase your knowledge of it. It's a wonderful tool if you're starting a herb garden for the first time or looking to take your gardening skills to the next level.
The Astrological Calendar and Moon Planting guide is a must for gardeners with information about the best time to plant, weed, fertilise, compost and control pests.
Thomas has artistically created an astrological overview for the year to come. It`s always a good read and these words of wisdom make up the art inside the circle. All done by hand BTW!!
These posters make fantastic gifts.
Poster size: 74cm tall X 60cm wide. Sent rolled in a poster tube. $20 plus postage. (although the calendar is designed for Australia, it can easily be used all over the world, but you will need to adjust the times so it fits in your part of the world as explained above.)