Buy or rent Down The Carrot Hole - The Weedy Garden Movie
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Witness the incredible transformation of a piece of land into a vibrant paradise through the eyes of David Trood also known as Weedy. Dive deep "Down the Carrot Hole" as he unveils the secrets of creating a self-sufficient food forest during challenging times.
Immerse yourself in the captivating documentary which unravels the elements that nourish our souls. Experience the joy and wonder of cultivating a garden from scratch, even with zero gardening knowledge!
Discover the resilience of the human spirit. Get ready for a heartwarming tale of determination and the pursuit of food self-sufficiency.
Down the Carrot Hole - The Feature Length Weedy Garden Movie
Yes folks, I invite you to the movies. I have put together a feature length film of the inspiring journey I have been on since I moved from the fast lanes of city life to the peaceful space of country. It´s a natural and much more fulfilling life with land and a close caring community.
Read below to find out more about the film and the director
David Trood aka Weedy 🌱👣🌎🎥💚🎃🧐🪱🐝🦘🇦🇺
Follow the journey of Weedy
in this heartwarming and inspiring film.
During Lockdown of March 2020, award winning Master Photographer David Trood was stuck at home like most people. On a piece of land, far away from any town and even further from a city, David used his time to realise a dream that he has had since childhood. A garden full of food! A dream to be able to eat whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted … just like a gorilla. So he dug and he hammered and moved over 200 wheelbarrows full of topsoil, to create a living paradise he called The Weedy Garden. A paradise of wonderful, colourful, natural, clean organic food. David’s film, Down the Carrot Hole follows the creative and visual journey of understanding the elements of Earth, Wind, Water and Fire, and his synchronistic encounters with people along the way.
It is a gentle, heartfelt film whose importance cannot be understated. It is a documentary for our times. During the two years of Covid-19 lockdowns in Australia, David Trood discovered the wonder and joy of creating, not just a garden, but an entire food forest through Permaculture principles. With his enthusiasm and camera gear to explore, David shared the journey of food self-sufficiency, through his YouTube creation The Weedy Garden to show others how they can do it also.
Reviews from followers:
“The words are beautiful. The photography is stunning. The message is inspirational. Thank you with all my heart.” - Wings Beyond the Garden Gate
“I have loved this beautiful film, with its complete honesty, colourful and educational tales. This film has made me so happy, as you have captured nature in all her glory with some of the best camera/film shots I’ve seen in an age.” - Spritzpistol
“This is amazing cinematography and storytelling, thank you!” - Angie Mead King
The film premiered at the Nimbin Bush Theatre on the 21st of December, 2022 and filled the house.
Director’s Statement, David Trood
I grew up in the country in Australia and then moved to a city when I was 17 to work as a press photographer. At the age of 21, I moved to Europe and from there, travelled around the world visiting over 35 countries making films and photographs. The whole idea of my film is to inspire people to get back to nature. You don’t need to be in a forest to get your hands dirty. You can do it in your back yard. My main dedication for this film is for people to find the connection to country and community. People in cities often misunderstand what the country is about. They may not know how to connect with it. I want to show how much the land needs respect. I am sharing my story with good intentions and energy so that it inspires many people around this wonderful planet to grow their own food in, and with, their community. Wonderful, colourful, natural, clean organic food, straight from the source. It is my love letter to Mother Earth.
About the Filmmaker
David Trood is an Australian-born, prize- winning travel and commercial photographer who pushes the boundaries of visual storytelling with his passionate narrative of people and nature. For over thirty years he successfully completed thousands of photographic assignments in over 40 countries. David has been called a Hasselblad Master and is a valued contributor at Getty Images. He was born in Queensland and was based in Denmark (until 2020). Since the Covid-19 lockdown in 2020 he has made his home in Northern NSW where he has turned his passion into growing organic food through the land management design of Permaculture. He documented his learning process and garden growing through his regular, online videos, The Weedy Garden, which turned into a YouTube sensation.
This is his first feature film.