🌎 Where Nature Meets Nurture:

Navigating the journey from land acquisition to dream paradise creation can be daunting, especially if your plot is nestled in this unique valley. But fear not! I will walk your land with you, helping you harness the harmonious balance of Earth, Wind, Water, and sunlight to create a thriving oasis.

πŸ’‘ Step-by-Step Guidance:

Before you even dig your first hole, this comprehensive service will provide you with invaluable insights and a simple plan. I will guide you through the process, of potentials, ensuring your landscape is optimized for growth and vitality.

🌱 Heirloom Seeds and Survival Tin:

To kickstart your journey, included is a diverse range of Heirloom seeds, carefully selected for our region. Your bundle also comes with a Survival Tin and foolproof instructions for cultivating each unique seed.

πŸ“Έ Aerial Vision and Mud Map:

With our service, you'll receive a drone photo and a mud map of your proposed site, giving you a bird's-eye view of the potential within your grasp.

πŸ“† Moon Planting Guide and Extended Support:

We believe in aligning with nature's rhythms, and that's why I include the latest Moon Planting Guide by Thomas Zimmer. Plus, you'll receive support over the next six months, ensuring you have a green thumb developing.

πŸ’° Cost and Coverage:

Our service is priced at $1150 for the shire of the Northern Rivers. Includes transport within the shire and a three to four hour on site inspection and discussion. A follow up email with β€œmud maps” and a summary of the consultation will be included. This could be in the form of a video, recorded on site during the inspection. For those venturing beyond this yellow circle, an additional fee of $5 per 1 km ensures guidance reaches even the farthest corners.

Embark on this transformative journey with Weedy`s Paradise Plot Planning Services.
